Saturday, February 6, 2016

I'm So High Right Now, Part 1 of ??? AKA: Background Info

*Pause for snickers*

Okay yeah but yes actually....this has a different meaning for people with diabetes. And it is not as much fun as the title might suggest. But it's an unfortunately common reality, and so I'm going to go a bit in depth about it here. 

DISCLAIMER: Blah blah blah the usual...not a medical professional...probably riddled with errors....I am known to conflate stories and am also notoriously stubborn soooo take everything here with a grain of salt. 

Still with me? 

Okay. So. First, a beginner's guide to blood sugar levels. Simply put, blood sugar is exactly what it sounds like. Go figure. It's how much glucose is floating around in your blood stream at any given moment. It's measured in mg/dL (milligrams/deciliter). How does that glucose get there? Multiple ways. It's released into your blood stream in a slow and steady drip throughout the day from where it's stored in your liver. It's released in a fast and furious rush into your body about 15-20 minutes after you eat a meal (discussion of how a meal breaks down=future blog post?). Maybe it comes in other ways, but those are the only two I'm aware of. Although if there are more glucose sources that I'm unaware of, that would really explain some days, know what I mean??

Okay, so whoo!!! Sugar rush!! We know where the glucose comes from. What happens once it hits the system? Well, for starters you need some of it floating around in there. Turns out your brain straight up thrives on sugar. YOU HEAR THAT MOM??? SUGAR IS GOOD FOR YOU!! Okay well at least glucose. Okay yeah mom it's true that veggies and fruit and healthy whole grains also break down into glucose. OKAY MOM SHUSH NOW. So yes. You need some sugar floating around in there to feed your brain, act as a quick source of energy for your muscles (ATP what what!!), etc. The rest of it is quickly ushered into the VIP lounge aka fat cells for storage via INSULIN which acts as a sort of escort service/bouncer that "unlocks" these cells and lets the glucose in. Ahem, science, science, details....knowledge on the topic.....etc. 

A normal person (or pancreo-typical, as I prefer to call them) has a blood sugar between roughly 70-120 mg/dL at any given time, depending on when they ate, exercised, muscle mass, and other factors that they'll never consider but that I spend a LOT of time considering. 

Me? Weellll things are a little different for me. I'm going to do a cliffhanger now which is ridiculous because a) no one reads this blog anyway who can't just text me and be like, what's going to happen next? and also b) this is not exactly a riveting story but you know what world, this is my little corner of the internet so I do what I want and you're gonna like it. 

So stay tuned to find out the story of the highest I've ever been and generally just how high things can be....

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